Phasing is one of the most powerful tools within Revit. However, it is usually not the most intuitive tool to understand. Hopefully this article will bring some clarity to Revit phasing.
You can access phasing through the manage tab

By default your project should contain two phases, “Existing” and “New construction”. You can add new phases by simply clicking Insert/”Before” or “After”. Additionally you can combine phases with the phase “Previous” to it or after (“Next”) it.

You can also rename the phases by simply highlighting the name, and typing the new desired name.

Default Phase Filters
Each project contains the following default phase filters:
None. Does not apply a phase filter to the view. The view displays all elements from all phases.
Show All. Shows new elements (using the graphics settings defined for that category of elements) and existing, demolished, and temporary elements (using the Graphic Overrides settings for each phase defined using Manage tab Phasing panel Phases Graphic Overrides tab).
Show Complete. Shows the completed project, after demolition and new work have been performed in the current phase.
Show Demo + New. Shows demolished elements and all new elements added to the building model.
Show New. Shows all new elements added to the building model.
Show Previous + Demo. Shows existing elements and demolished elements.
Show Previous + New. Shows all original elements that were not demolished (Show Previous) and all new elements added to the building model (+ New).
Show Previous Phase. Shows all elements from the previous phase. In the first phase of a project, existing elements are new to that phase, so applying the Show Previous Phase filter causes no elements to be displayed.
Phasing Graphic Overrides
Your Phasing Graphic Overrides is where you assign how you want the model components to represent after the “Phase Filter” is applied.

View Phasing properties Element Phasing Properties
You will assign the phase filter of the view All model elements in revit receive a phase
in the view instance properties as well as the created and a phase demolished parameter in
“Phase” or what I like to call point in time the instance properties. This is where you can for that view. assign the phasing of your element(s)

Here are some examples of how revit displays the model elements when various Phase Filters and Phases are set in the view properties.
Phase Filter = Show Previous and New Phase = Existing

Phase Filter = Show Previous and New Phase = Phase 1

Phase Filter = Show Previous and New Phase = Phase 2

If elements are assigned a phase created, and they are assigned a phase demolished, the demoed elements will appear dashed and the existing elements will appear filled/halftone per the phase filter override.
Phase Filter = Show Existing + Demo Phase = Phase 1

Elements can even exist temporarily in the lifecycle of a project. For example a wall may exist in Phase 1, but also demolished in phase 1.
Phase Filter = Show Complete Phase = Phase 2

Bill Allen is a partner and Director of Building Information Management Services at EvolveLAB. He has over a decade of experience managing technology for buildings in the AEC industry including managing large complex BIM workflow mechanisms supporting cutting edge firms. Reach out to Bill at bill.allen@evolvelab-inc.com if you have any questions about Revit phasing or anything BIM related at