Want to save some time in your Revit MEP flow? Here is a simple way to automatically add insulation to Duct Systems using Dynamo!

This simple script is a must-have tool for any MEP detailer or BIM Coordinator who needs to add insulation many Revit elements at once. The traditional method entails tab-selecting a system loop then adding insulation through a button in the ribbon if they were not already insulated when drawn.
Not a time-efficient method if there are many systems to insulate in the Revit design model (think high-rise MEP models, though many firms make good use of Groups at that stage). Within smaller projects, drawing insulation graphically if sometimes omitted, instead called out in a note or schedule for certain systems. From a BIM coordinator’s perspective, the absence of insulation on mechanical systems risks potential coordination issues, especially so within tight spaces. There is even the risk that necessary insulations miss being installed if not explicitly shown on construction drawings, causing delays come inspection time.

In this script, we save time by adding specified insulation to an entire duct system at once, ensuring that no element is missed. This is accomplished by collecting all Duct & Fitting elements (With some minor editing, there is even the opportunity to insulate all systems in the model at once if we were to create a list of desired System Types instead of just “Supply Air.”
Adding insulation programmatically during—at the latest—the Construction Documents phase with a Dynamo script is a process that requires very little upfront investment but yields a substantial increase in downstream model and drawing quality.
Be on the lookout for a new post in the following weeks, where we show how to add insulation to Pipe Systems but this time using the pipe size to determine the insulation’s thickness.
Have your own ideas for automated Revit MEP scripts and add-ins? Reach out to us at evolvelab.io!
About the Author

Paul Bracchitta
Senior Construction Technologist
Paul joins us from the construction side of the industry as a Senior Construction Technologist and passionate BIM proponent. Having spent the last 5 years working for multiple general contractors’ BIM departments across the nation, Paul brings with him MEP coordination, Dynamo scripting, laser scanning and contracting experience. He received the Associated General Contractor’s Certificate of Management in BIM in 2017 and has leaned into implementing process changes ever since. Pursuing his life-long goal of becoming an architect, Paul spent half of his Carnegie Mellon University education as an Architecture student before switching to Civil & Environmental Engineering. The idea: be a better designer by knowing how to engineer and construct buildings. Once he saw the inefficiencies between design, construction, and ownership, Paul knew a better solution was out there and found his niche in BIM, combining data from all stakeholders into a virtual building environment. A 7th generation Vermont native, Paul has enjoyed exploring our nation, having lived in Pittsburgh and Maryland before moving to Colorado (after a single weekend visit!) for its beautiful terrain and weather. He may be found doing a range of activities, from fishing for trout in the Rockies, enjoying concerts, to a rigorous evening of strategy games with friends.