1 | Download the SketchUp model from the 3D Warehouse
Search SketchUp’s 3D Warehouse for the “Porsche Macan” model (or use link below)
NOTE: this model has 89,344 vertices

2 | Map Component in Helix
Open the the Helix UI by clicking the Helix Icon in SketchUp
Select the component
In the SELECTED ELEMENTS section change the selected Component “Macan 2015” to DXF in the dropdown

3 | Sync with Revit
Click the Sync SketchUp button in the Helix UI
With Revit open, click the Load Model button in the EvolveLAB Revit Ribbon Tab

4 | Render in Enscape (Optional) 😃
NOTE: When converting transparent SketchUp materials to Revit, we increase the glossiness automatically with the assumption that the majority of transparent materials will have reflections. (You can change the material appearance asset attributes to further refine)

Ideas & Feedback
Let us know how we can improve this workflow. There are some ideas that would be cool to hear opinions on how important they are to this workflow:
creating a new Revit material editor for these components
other ideas that could be useful to this workflow
To download or try Helix, you can click this link.