1 | Convert the Point Cloud to a Mesh
We used Undet to convert the point cloud to a mesh within SketchUp. Undet offers a simple intuitive interface that lets you visualize the point cloud in SketchUp and create meshes at a specified mesh density.
Undet site: SketchUp point cloud plugin to create 3D models from scan data | Undet 5
Alternates: can use other point cloud to meshing tools, then bring the generated mesh into SketchUp

2 | Place Mesh Geometry on Specific Tag (Layer)
Select the point cloud geometry, and place it on the appropriate tag
TIP: It might be best to create a new tag to ensure that the only geometry present on the tag is the point cloud mesh
TIP: Can set the color by tag option to visually see what geometry is set to a tag

3 | Map Tag in Helix
Open the the Helix UI by clicking the Helix Icon in SketchUp
Select the component
In the SELECTED ELEMENTS section change the selected Layer “LIDAR3” (newly created tag) to DXF in the dropdown

4 | Sync with Revit
Click the Sync SketchUp button in the Helix UI
With Revit open, click the Load Model button in the EvolveLAB Revit Ribbon Tab

5 | Continue Process for the Entire Model
Continue and add the other tag to sync with Revit so that all the desired geometry is translated.
Can also set all the desired geometry to the same tag used in the second step

6 | Create Views in Revit
Create section, plan, or rcp views in Revit

7 | Document the Revit Views
Use the imported point cloud mesh as a background along with other BIM geometry
Can also add dimensions to the imported mesh geometry: – dimensions to self – dimensions to other BIM content

Ideas & Feedback
Let us know how we can improve this workflow. Are there other ideas that could be useful to this workflow?
To download or try Helix, you can click this link.