Download the new version here: Morphis Installer
In the world of architectural modeling and design, efficiency and reliability are paramount. That's why we're thrilled to introduce some incredible improvements to Morphis that promise to enhance your experience like never before.
Module Wall Type Auto-Population: Simplifying Your Workflow
Improved user experience by having your wall types populate automatically as you work. Yes, you read that correctly! Morphis now takes care of this crucial task for you, saving you valuable time and ensuring your models are always up to date.
Baking and Placing Walls: Faster and More Reliable Than Ever
Creating walls is a fundamental aspect of architectural design, and we've taken it a step further. Our latest update has supercharged the Baking and Placing Walls feature. It's not just faster; it's also more reliable. Now you can build your designs with confidence, knowing that Morphis has your back.
Room Baking - Parameter Setter: Precision at Your Fingertips
Precision is key in architectural modeling, and we understand that down to the finest detail. That's why we're excited to introduce the Room Baking - Parameter Setter. This tool puts precision at your fingertips, allowing you to fine-tune room parameters with ease. It's all about giving you greater control over your designs.
These Morphis improvements aren't just about making your work easier; they're about elevating your creative process. With these updates, you can focus on what matters most – bringing your architectural visions to life. Stay tuned for more exciting updates on the horizon. Your architectural journey is about to get even more exciting with Morphis!
Area Selection
Similar to how you can select room and filled regions, you can now select Areas as well.
Baking/Placing Rooms
Similar to how you can bake/place walls, you can now place rooms and set any parameter you want for the newly created room
Import Modules as Rooms
You can now import modules as rooms by following these steps:
1. Click Import Modules
2. Import Excel sheet (1) > Select a sheet (2) > Change starting cell (3) > Click Continue (4)
Note: Excel sheet must be closed when importing it to Morphis (only when using button #1)
3. Map Excel sheet columns with room/Morphis parameters
4. [Optional] Using the first column “Morphis: Is Selected”, select which rows you will like to use for module creation
Tip: This column is helpful as it allows you to uncheck your “titles” in your Excel sheet
5. Click Import Modules
6. Morphis will create new modules based on the parameters that you mapped
Module wall type populates automatically
Baking/placing walls feature has been improved. It is now faster and more reliable
Room Baking - Parameter Setter
Parameters that have a “ElementId” storage type, will now display the available options
Import modules by Excel crashing when a cell had a formula
Fixed area selection not working properly when area boundary lines are linked to walls
Fixed import modules not changing the settings based on the column mapped
Known Bugs
Modules/layouts don’t show up after changing documents
Morphis regenerates every time a room is deleted and the layout is active
Region orientation not saved after creating new path
Trial or Purchase here: Morphis
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Ensure that Morphis can seamlessly integrate with other popular design and BIM tools. Focus on intuitive user interfaces and workflows to minimize learning curves and maximize productivity. By adopting these strategies and tools, laser levels architectural modeling and design processes can be more efficient and reliable, leading to better project outcomes.